How to Configure Locations

Created by Ezra Weinstein, Modified on Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 7:44 PM by Bradley Hobart

If you have purchased a license for an additional location (if you have not done so but need to add another location, click here to go to the Help Desk and submit a ticket), Coreware will add a new location filled with default information for you to your coreSTORE. After the new location has been added, you will need to go into that location's profile and edit the default information to customize the location to your needs.

To do so, go to the Company module and select the Locations > click the Edit button which will bring you to the Update Location screen where you can configure that location. An explanation for all of the options are shown below.

(Note: To see the extra images mentioned in the field description, click on the green highlighted letter in parentheses, for example "[as seen in the Appendix (image A)]". This will bring you to the Appendix of this article.)


  • Location Information Tab (Setup General Location Information, Select Employees, if needed Setup Time Clock IP Address Restrictions, if needed Setup Automatic Emails, if using Warehouse module setup Setup Bin Numbering Schemes)
  • Registers and Terminals Tab (Setup Registers and Connect Credit Card Terminals, Setup Credit Card Processing)
  • Integrations Tab (Information About Several Available coreSTORE Integrations)
  • BoundBook Tab (Add FFL License Info, Setup Important Bound Book-Related Settings, Add Agency Info)
  • Website Tab (Setup How Location Integrates with Ecommerce Platform)
  • Taxes and Fees Tab (Add Taxes or Fees for Specific Categories/Tags, Override Default Tax)
  • Appendix (Extra Images of Options)

Location Information Tab

On this screen, you will need to customize at least the 5 required options, [Name (1), Address (8), State/Province (12), Phone (15), and Timezone (29)].

  • Name (1): Input the name of the location (this field is required).
  • Location Code (2): Only shows if the location code option in Company > Settings is enabled, which is used for if you are connected to an ecommerce platform like coreFORCE and you want the location name to be different than the location description in coreFORCE.
  • Color (3): Use the color picker tool [as seen in the Appendix (image A)] to choose the color you want to represent the location in the location switcher in the Menu Bar at the top of the coreSTORE application. To easily identify which location you are currently using, this color will also be the background for the coreSTORE logo in the top left of the coreSTORE application.
  • Company Name (4): Input the name of your company.
  • Company Logo (5): Use the Choose file button (B) to choose an image from your device that you want to be the logo for your company. This logo will print on receipts.
  • Delete Logo (6): Check this box then click the Save button (31) to delete the image that you uploaded in (5).
  • Website (7): Input the web address for your website.
  • Address (8): Input the location's address (this field is required).
  • Address 1 (9): Extra field for additional address info
  • Address 2 (10): Extra field for additional address info
  • City (11): Input the city of the location's address.
  • State/Province (12): Select the state/province of the location's address from the dropdown.
  • Zip (13): Input the zip code of the location's address.
  • Country (14): Input the country of the location's address.
  • Phone (15): Input the phone number for the location (this field is required).
  • Fax (16): Input the fax number for the location.
  • Email (17): Input the email address for the location.
  • CC Email (18): If you want to send carbon copies of emails sent from the email address input in (17) to another email address, input it here.
  • BCC Email (19): If you want to send blind carbon copies of emails sent from the email address input in (17) to another email address, input it here.

  • Return Policy (20): Input the return policy for the location. This return policy will show on receipts.
  • Employees (21): Select the employees that you want to have access to the location. Narrow down the name of the employee by typing the name in the field, then select the right employee from the options listed in the drop-down list [if you do not see the right employee, make sure that the employee is setup in the Employees module].
  • Time Clock IP Restriction (22): Input the IP address(es) where your employees have to clock in from [they will not be able to clock in from any other IP address(es)].
  • Also Restrict Sales to IP Addresses (23): Check this box if you want to restrict your employees to opening the Sales screen only from the IP address(es) entered in (22) [they will not be able to open the Sales screen from any other IP address(es)].
  • Only Restrict Time Clock Employees (24): Check this box if you only want to restrict your employees who are setup to use the time clock from opening the Sales screen from any IP address(es) not entered in (22).
  • Auto E-Mail Reports Address (25): Input the email address you want to receive daily closeout reports in.
  • Auto E-Mail Reports Time (26): Select from the drop-down list at which time of the day the emailed daily closeout reports will be sent to the email address entered in (25).
  • Day To Email Report For (27): Select from the drop-down list if you want the emailed daily closeout report to be sent to the email address entered in (25) for the previous or current day.
  • Receive Stock Alerts (28): Check this box if you want your coreSTORE to automatically send an email when an item reaches the replenish level set in the item's profile (for more information on setting a replenish level, see Item Inventory Tab Guide or Item Locations Tab Guide).
  • Stock Alert Email (29): Input the email address you want to receive the stock alert emails in.
  • Timezone (30): Select from the drop-down list which timezone the location is located in.
  • Bin Numbering Scheme (31): If you use the Warehouse module at the location, input the bin numbering scheme for the location (for more information on bins, see How to Generate/Create Bins for the Warehouse Module).
  • Save (32): Click the Save button to save any changes made to the location.

Registers and Terminals Tab

The settings shown below are the default options shown when no credit card processor or coreCLEAR is selected in (2), some may not be available with other processors, and there are additional settings depending on which other processor is selected.

  • Registers (1): In this option, you can add registers for the location.
    • Register Name (A): Input the name of the register.
    • Interface (B): Select from the drop-down list which type of interface the register is using, Default, Legacy, or Touch Screen.
    • Default Category (C): Select from the drop-down list the category you want to show automatically in the item grid for the register (for more information on where to find/manage categories, see Categories Sub-Module Overview).
    • Default Tag (D): Select from the drop-down list the tag you want to show automatically in the item grid for the register (for more information on where to find/manage tags, see Tags Sub-Module Overview).
    • Receipt Printer (E): Select from the drop-down list which receipt printer you want this register connected to.
    • Require Login Before Sale (F): Use this setting to use the global setting set in Company > Settings regarding whether or not to require that an employee login every time before using this register, or override the selection for that global setting for this particular register (Enable: employees will be required to login every time before using this register, Disable: employees will not be required to login every time before using this register).
    • Hide Grid (G): Check this box if you do not want to automatically show the item grid on the register.
    • Terminal ID (H): Input the terminal ID for the register.
    • Card Reader Type (J): Select from the drop-down list which type of card reader/terminal is being used for this register [the available options will differ depending on which credit card processor is selected in (2)].
    • Receipt (K): Select from the drop-down list if you want the credit card terminal itself to print a receipt always for either merchant, customer, or both, or (No) never [This setting is only available when the card reader type selected in (J) is QT/QD].
    • Delete (L): Click Delete to delete the register.
    • Add Register (M): Click Add Register to add a new register.
  • Enable Credit Card Processing (2): Check this box if you want to use a credit card processor for this location, then select from the drop-down list which credit card processor. Depending on which processor you select, there will be additional settings/options available under this main setting.

Integrations Tab

At Coreware we have several partners/companies that we integrate with to make your lives easier and to enhance your experience of using our products, and coreSTORE has multiple options for you to choose from.

  • coreILLA (1): Our in-house flagship, all-encompassing, customer relations management software. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses automate their operations, streamline their workflows, and generate more leads. To learn more, please visit
  • Active Campaign (2): Related to coreILLA, typically only for older clients.
  • coreQ (3): Coming soon!!!
  • Gun Spot (4): Online gun auction site we integrate with to help you appeal to a wider audience.
  • Firearms Legal Protection (FLP) (5): Possibly our most important integration, we integrate with FLP to help you provide your customers with legal protection for self-defense. To learn more, please visit
  • Gun Stores (6): Online gun auction site we integrate with to help you appeal to a wider audience.
  • Twilio (7): Integrate with Twilio to send SMS messages to your customers for updates on orders, firearm transfers, work orders, sale receipts, and more! To learn more, please visit
  • MailChimp (8): Email marketing company
  • AWS S3 (9): Cloud object storage hosted by Amazon

BoundBook Tab

If you are an FFL, on this screen you will need to fill out at least the first three settings, [Days Open For Business (1), FFL Number (2), and FFL Expiration (3)].

  • Days Open For Business (1): Mark the boxes for the days that you are open for business so that the system can accurately calculate whether a 3310 form is needed for firearm sales, which will override the global setting set in Company > Settings
  • FFL Number (2): Input the FFL number for the location.
  • FFL Expiration (3): Use the date picker tool [as seen in the Appendix (image B)] to select the expiration date of the FFL number input in (2).
  • FFL License (4): Use the Choose File button (A) to select your FFL license file from the device you are using, then click the Save button (21) to save the license to the system.
  • Delete License (5): Mark the box then click the Save button (21) to delete the FFL license from the system.
  • Background Check (6): Select from the drop-down list which background check you want to use for this location, which will override the global setting set in Company > Settings.
  • Waiting Period (In Hours) (7): If this location requires a waiting period, input the amount of hours required (for example if the waiting period is 3 days, input 72 in this field), which will override the global setting set in Company > Settings.
  • Waiting Periods (8): If you want to setup a different waiting period per firearm type add the waiting period here, which will override the global setting set in Company > Settings and (7) for that type:
    • Type (B): Select from the drop-down list which firearm type you want the waiting period for.
    • Waiting Period (in hours) (C): Input the amount of hours required (for example if the waiting period is 3 days, input 72 in this field).
    • Delete (D): Click to delete this waiting period.
    • Add Waiting Period (E): Click to add another waiting period.
  • Prompt For Password To Override Waiting Period (9): Mark this box if you want the system to ask for a password to override the waiting period when trying to complete a firearm sale before the waiting period is over, which will override the global setting set in Company > Settings.
  • Require Customer Has An FFL For Firearm Sales (10): Mark this box if you want to require that all customers have an FFL number in their record in order to purchase a firearm.
  • Agency Name (11): Input the name of the local ATF agency for the location.
  • Agency Address 1 (12): Input the address of the local ATF agency for the location.
  • Agency Address 2 (13): If there is a secondary address for the local ATF agency for the location, input it here.
  • Agency City (14): Input the city of the local ATF agency for the location.
  • Agency State (15): Input the state of the local ATF agency for the location.
  • Agency Zip (16): Input the zip code of the local ATF agency for the location. [Note under this option: The address above is copied into the Forwarding Info area (Q14a) of Form 3310.]
  • Agency Phone (17): Input the phone number of the local ATF agency for the location.
  • Agency Email (18): Input the email address of the local ATF agency for the location.
  • Agency Alternate Email (19): If you want to email your 3310 forms to a specific ATF agent, input their email address here. [Note for options (18) and (19), and under (19)]: Copies of any 3310 forms generated will be sent to the Agency email(s) above in addition to the primary email that is automatically sent to the ATF.]
  • Use New 4473 Form (Beta) (20): Select from the drop-down list if you do (Enable) or do not (Disable) want to use the new 4473 form at this location, which will override the global setting set in Company > Settings, or if you want to Use the Global Setting.
  • Save (21): Click the Save button to save any changes made to the location.

Website Tab

If you have an ecommerce platform integrated into coreSTORE, you can choose if you want this location to be excluded from your website, or how you want internet orders to be imported into this location.

  • Allow Pickup (1): Mark this box if you want to allow pickup orders to be imported to this location.
  • Ship From This Location? (2): Mark this box if you want to ship orders from this location.
  • Exclude From Website (3): Mark this box if you want to exclude this location's inventory from your website.
  • Register For Pickup Orders (4): Select from the drop-down list which register you want imported pickup orders to be put under.
  • Register For Shipments (5): Select from the drop-down list which register you want imported shipment orders to be put under.

Taxes and Fees Tab

On this tab, you can create special taxes/fees for specific categories/tags, or if this location needs to use a different tax rate than the default rate setup in Company > Settings, you can add that here.

  • Taxes & Fees (1): Use this option if you want to add special taxes/fees for specific categories/tags, which will be applied automatically when an item with one of those categories/tags is added to a sale.
    • Category (A): Select from the drop-down list which category you want the tax/fee to be applied for [this option is only applicable if a tag is not selected in (C)].
    • Subcategories (B): Mark this box if you want the tax/fee to also be applied to the subcategories of the category selected in (A).
    • Tags (C): Select a tag by narrowing down the results as you type in which existing tag you want the tax/fee to be applied to [as seen in the Appendix (image C)][this option is only applicable if a category is not selected in (A)].
    • Flat fee (D): Input the fixed dollar amount that will be added to the sale for the tax/fee.
    • Rate (E): Input the percentage that will be added to the sale for the tax/fee.
    • Quantity Multiplier (F): Mark this box if you want the tax/fee to multiply based upon the quantity of the item added to the sale.
    • Add As Fee (G): Mark this box if you want the flat fee or rate to be added to the sale as a fee line item in the sale instead of a tax.
    • Fee Name (H): Input what you want the fee line item to be named [this option is only applicable if the box in (G) is marked].
    • Once Per Order (J): Mark this box if you only want the tax/fee to be applied once per order.
    • Delete (K): Click if you want to delete the tax/fee.
    • Add Tax/Fee (L): Click if you want to add another tax/fee.
  • Override Default Tax (2): Check this box if you want to apply a particular tax group or tax to the location instead of the default tax group as selected in the Taxes section of the Company Settings module (see Taxes Section Guide) [checking this box expands the screen with options (M) through (R)].
    • Tax Group (M): Select from the drop-down list which Tax Group (configured in the Taxes section of the Company Settings module, see Taxes Section Guide) you want to apply to this location [this option will only show if (2) is checked].
    • Tax 1/2 Rate (N): Use this and the next 3 options if you do not want to apply a tax group to the location and instead want to create custom taxes for the location [this option will only show if (2) is checked].
    • Tax Percent (O): Input the tax percentage of the custom tax.
    • Cumulative (P): Check this box ONLY if the location is in a jurisdiction that requires a cumulative tax rate on sales (usually, leave this box unchecked). For more information on how this works, see coreTIP Tuesday - Multiple Tax Rate Setup (Note: For this option, you can only check this box if you add 2 custom taxes, no more and no less).
    • Show More (R): If you want to add more than 2 custom taxes, click Show More to expand the screen, allowing you to add up to 5 total custom taxes for the item kit [if you click Show More, you will not be able to check (P)].


 Back to Option (3) of Location Information Tab

Back to Option (3) of BoundBook Tab

Back to Option (1)(C) of Taxes & Fees Tab

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