Editing Multiple Items at the Same Time

Created by Ezra Weinstein, Modified on Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 4:39 PM by Hannah Harris

In the Items sub-module of the Inventory module, you have the option to quick edit a selected item or group of items. After selecting an item or group of items in the Items List, several options will show at the top of the screen. In order to quick edit the selected item(s), click the Edit button, which will bring up the Editing Multiple Items window (even if you only have one item selected, the same screen will pop-up).


Use the following options to edit the selected item(s):

  • Category (1): If you do not want to edit the category of the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to remove the currently selected category(ies) from the selected item(s), you can either select a new category for the selected item(s) from the drop-down list or leave the selected item(s) without a category by selecting the blank line in the drop-down list. For more information on where to find/manage the categories that are in the drop-down list, see Categories Sub-Module Overview.
  • Tags (2): In this field you can add tags to the selected item(s) either by narrowing down the results as you type in which existing tag you are searching for, or you can add a new tag [as seen in the Appendix (image A)] by typing in the name (i) of the new tag that you want to add, then clicking on the second field that says "Add new tag" followed by the name (in bold) you just typed in (ii) (for more information about the Tags sub-module, see Tags Sub-Module Overview).
  • Supplier (3): If you do not want to edit the supplier of the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to remove the currently selected supplier(s) from the selected item(s), you can either select a new supplier for the selected item(s) from the drop-down list or leave the selected item(s) without a supplier by selecting None in the drop-down list. For more information on where to find/manage the suppliers that are in the drop-down list, see KB article.
  • Manufacturer (4): If you do not want to edit the manufacturer of the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to remove the currently selected manufacturer(s) from the selected item(s), you can either select a new manufacturer for the selected item(s) from the drop-down list or leave the selected item(s) without a manufacturer by selecting None in the drop-down list. For more information on where to find/manage the manufacturers that are in the drop-down list, see Manufacturers Sub-Module Overview.

  • Cost Price (5): If you do not want to edit the cost price of the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to edit the cost price of the selected item(s), select from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image B)] if you want to set a Fixed Price for the selected item(s), or if you want to increase or decrease the cost price of the selected item(s) by a specific percentage (Increase/Decrease Percent) [selecting Fixed Price or Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list expands the screen with (6)].
  • Cost Price Value (6): If you want to edit the cost price of the selected item(s), you will input the value that you are editing the cost price by in this field [only shows if you selected Fixed Price or Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (5)].
    • If you selected Fixed Price from the drop-down list in (5), input the fixed price you want to change the cost price of the selected item(s) to. For example, if you wanted to change the cost price to $5.99, you would input 5.99 here.
    • If you selected Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (5), input the percentage that you want to adjust the cost price of the selected item(s) by. For example, if you wanted to increase the cost price by 5%, you would input 5 here, or if you wanted to decrease the cost price by 5%, you would input -5 here.
  • Change Cost Price During Sale (7): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to allow changing the cost price of the selected item(s) during a sale, select Yes from the drop-down list. If you do not want to allow changing the cost price of the selected item(s) during a sale, select No from the drop-down list.

  • Selling Price (8): If you do not want to edit the selling price of the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to edit the selling price of the selected item(s), select from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (imageC )]if you want to set a Fixed Price for the selected item(s), or if you want to increase or decrease the selling price of the selected item(s) by a specific percentage (Increase/Decrease Percent) [selecting Fixed Price or Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list expands the screen with (9)].
  • Selling Price Value (9): If you want to edit the selling price of the selected item(s), you will input the value that you are editing the selling price by in this field [only shows if you selected Fixed Price or Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (8)].
    • If you selected Fixed Price from the drop-down list in (8), input the fixed price you want to change the selling price of the selected item(s) to. For example, if you wanted to change the selling price to $5.99, you would input 5.99 here.
    • If you selected Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (8), input the percentage that you want to adjust the selling price of the selected item(s) by. For example, if you wanted to increase the selling price by 5%, you would input 5 here, or if you wanted to decrease the selling price by 5%, you would input -5 here.
  • Price Tier (10): If you have added price tiers in the Price Tiers section of the Store Config module (see Price Tiers Section Guide), they will be listed here (this field or fields will not show if you have not added any price tiers). Use this option if you want the selected item(s) to have a different discount amount than the default as configured for each price tier in the Price Tierssection.
    • Input in the field (D) the amount of discount you want to be applicable to the selected item(s), depending on your selection in the drop-down list.
    • Select from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image E)] which type of discount you want to be applicable to the selected item(s) (Fixed Price, Percent Off, Cost Plus Percent, or Cost Plus Fixed Amount).

  • Promo Price (11): If you do not want to edit the promo price of the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to edit the promo price of the selected item(s), select from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image F)] if you want to set a Fixed Price for the selected item(s), or if you want to increase or decrease the promo price of the selected item(s) by a specific percentage (Increase/Decrease Percent) [selecting Fixed Price or Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list expands the screen with (12)].
  • Promo Price Value (12): If you want to edit the promo price of the selected item(s), you will input the value that you are editing the promo price by in this field [only shows if you selected Fixed Price or Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (11)].
    • If you selected Fixed Price from the drop-down list in (11), input the fixed price you want to change the promo price of the selected item(s) to. For example, if you wanted to change the promo price to $5.99, you would input 5.99 here.
    • If you selected Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (11), input the percentage that you want to adjust the promo price of the selected item(s) by. For example, if you wanted to increase the promo price by 5%, you would input 5 here, or if you wanted to decrease the promo price by 5%, you would input -5 here [selecting Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list expands the screen with (G)].
      • Use Selling Price (G): Check this box if you want to base the new promo price for the selected item(s) upon a percentage of the selling price of the selected item(s) instead of the current promo price [only shows if you selected Increase/Decrease Percent from the drop-down list in (11)].
  • Promo Start Date (13): Use the date picker tool [as seen in the Appendix (image H)] to choose a start date for the promo.
  • Promo End Date (14): Use the date picker tool [as seen in the Appendix (image H)] to choose an end date for the promo.

  • Override Default Commission (15): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to customize commissions for the selected item(s), instead of using the default commission set in the Sales section of the Store Config module (see Sales Section Guide) or in the Employee Basic Information section of the New/Update Employee screen, select Yes from the drop-down list. If you want to remove custom commissions for the selected item(s) in effect resetting back to the default commission, select No from the drop-down list. [Selecting Yes from the drop-down list expands the screen with option (16).]
  • Commission (16): Select from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image K)] if you want the commission to be based upon a Percentage or a Fixed Amount, and input the percentage or fixed amount in the field (J) [this option will only show if (15) is checked, and selecting Percentage from the drop-down list expands the screen with option (17)].
  • Commission Percent Calculation Method (17): Select from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image L)] if you want the commission percentage to be calculated based upon the Selling Price of the item or Profit of the sale [this option will only show if (15) is checked, and if you select Percentage in the drop-down list of (16)].

  • Override Default Tax (18): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If the selected item(s) is tax exempt [do not input any information or check any boxes in options (19) or (20) to have the selected item(s) be tax exempt] or if you want to apply a particular tax group or tax to the selected item(s) instead of the default tax group as selected in the Taxes section of the Store Config module (see Taxes Section Guide), select Yes from the drop-down list. If you want to reset back to the default tax group for the selected item(s), select No from the drop-down list. [Selecting Yes from the drop-down list expands the screen with option (19) and (20).]
  • Tax Group (19): If you do not want to apply a particular tax group to the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to apply a particular tax group (configured in the Taxes section of the Store Config module, see Taxes Section Guide) to the selected item(s), select it from the drop-down list [only shows you selected Yes in the drop-down list of (18)].
  • Tax 1-5 (20): Use if you do not want to apply a tax group to the selected item(s) and instead want to create custom taxes for the selected item(s) [only shows you selected Yes in the drop-down list of (18)].
    • Tax Name (M): Input the name of the custom tax.
    • Tax Percent (N):Input the tax percentage of the custom tax.
    • Cumulative (O): Check this box ONLY if your store is in a jurisdiction that requires a cumulative tax rate on sales (usually, leave this box unchecked). For more information on how this works, see coreTIP Tuesday - Multiple Tax Rate Setup (Note: For this option, you can only check this box if you add 2 custom taxes, no more and no less, and if you do check this box, Taxes 3-5 will be removed from the screen).
  • Prices Include Tax (21): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want the prices of the selected item(s) to include tax, select Yes from the drop-down list. If you do not want the prices of the selected item(s) to include tax, select No from the drop-down list.

  • Is Service (22): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want the selected item(s) to be service item(s), select Yes from the drop-down list. If you do not want the selected item(s) to be service item(s), select No from the drop-down list.
  • Is Ecommerce Item (23): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want the selected item(s) to be eCommerce item(s), select Yes from the drop-down list. If you do not want the selected item(s) to be eCommerce item(s), select No from the drop-down list.
  • Quantity (24): If you want to edit how many of the selected item(s) are currently on-hand, input the quantity here.
  • Reorder Level (25): If you want to edit the minimum amount (reorder level) of the selected item(s) such that, when stock falls to this amount, coreSTORE will issue a purchase order to replenish the amount on hand, input the quantity here.
  • Replenish Level (26): If you want to edit the minimum amount (replenish level) of the selected item(s) such that, when the stock falls to this amount, you will know to add more of the selected item(s) to your inventory in the store [if you want to receive an email to alert you when the selected item(s) reaches this level, enable the Stock Alert Email option in the location's profile (for more information, see How to Configure Locations)], input the quantity here.
  • Days To Expiration (27): If you want to edit the amount of days that you want the selected item(s) to be valid before it expires, input the quantity here.
  • Allow Alt Description (28): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want to allow for adding an alternate description of the selected item(s) directly in the Sales interface, select Allow Alt Desc For All from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image P)]. If you do not want to allow for adding an alternate description of the selected item(s) directly in the Sales interface, select Not Allow Alt Desc For All from the drop-down list.
  • Item Has Serial Number (29): If you do not want to change this setting for the selected item(s), leave Do Nothing in this field. If you want the selected item(s) to have a serial number, select Change All To Serialized from the drop-down list [as seen in the Appendix (image R)]. If you do not want the selected item(s) to have a serial number, select Change All To Unserialized from the drop-down list.
  • Save (30): Click the Save button to save the changes made to the selected item(s).


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